Physician Resources
We appreciate that you are taking the time to visit our Physician Resources page. The purpose behind this page is to provide information about the tools you may need in order to assist your patients who are experiencing hearing difficulty, tinnitus, balance, or processing challenges.
Feel free to access any and all of our resources, to ask questions, or to request additional assistance from our audiologists at Denton Hearing Health Care.
According to statistics, about 30% of Americans experience tinnitus at some point in their life, although the majority only experience temporary tinnitus in relation to exposure to loud noise in a club, during a major sporting event, or after discharging a firearm with proper protection.
Chronic tinnitus is a symptom of a neurological disorder that creates a sound somewhere along the hearing pathway or in the brain that does not actually exist. It often coincides with hearing loss, but hearing loss is not present in all who experience tinnitus symptoms.
Dizziness or vertigo that occurs when a person stands up suddenly or motion sickness from traveling is often associated with the inner ear not working fast enough to adjust to the situation or an overreaction of the brain due to faulty signaling from the inner ear.
The medical condition most often associated with vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). The auditory system is an incredible mix of bones, hairlike cells, nerves, and fluid that all work together in the auditory process, but also relate to the vestibular system, which plays a role in maintaining balance.
Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) or Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
An auditory processing disorder involves difficulty processing sound signals from the hearing pathway. It is often a coordinating issue within the auditory process that is missed, because symptoms suggest hearing loss, but hearing tests indicate normal or near normal hearing.
APD affects people of all ages, but it commonly starts in childhood with around 5% of school-aged children experiencing central auditory processing disorder (CAPD).
Ready to Refer a Patient?
If your patient might benefit from one or several of our areas of expertise, you can refer your patient to us by completing this simple online form.
Once you’ve made contact with us, we’ll reach out to your patient to arrange a convenient time for them to visit us for a comprehensive hearing assessment, tinnitus evaluation, balance testing, or CAPD testing.