The Right Assistive Listening Devices for You & Your Loved One
Denton Hearing Health Care understands that some of our patients need something to enhance what their hearing aids do in order for them to enjoy a better hearing experience and a richer quality of life. We also understand that some individuals aren’t quite ready for hearing aids.
Along with fitting our patients with hearing aids and providing ongoing support, we provide assistive hearing technology to boost their ability to communicate in public and private settings by filling in the gaps.
Assistive hearing technology includes two different types of devices: assistive listening devices (ALD) and assistive listening systems (ALS).
ALD Hearing Devices
In general, ALD enhances personal connections to audio sources for telephones, music, and TV as well as visual, tactile alerting, or alarms.
Amplified and Captioned Telephones
Specifically designed for people with a hearing loss, amplified devices allow you to turn up the volume on your telephone in order to hear speech clearly with or without hearing aids, and they often come with amplified ringtones, so you’ll never miss a call.
Rather than amplification, captioned phones provide real-time captioning, like the closed captions you see on TV, and are particularly helpful for people with a severe to profound hearing loss.
Hearing Aid Compatible Phones and Telecoils
By law, telephone manufacturers, including iPhone and Android smartphones, must make phones compatible with hearing aids. Hearing aid compatible phones use either acoustic coupling, which amplifies sounds from the phone as well as any noise around you, or telecoil coupling, which requires a special feature that only picks up the phone conversation while blocking out background noise.
Smartphone apps often serve as a type of ALDs, as do captioning apps that provide text transcription for speech.
ALDs for Televisions
Turning up the volume on your television isn’t always the best option for those around you and it can distort the sound, making it even more difficult to understand. Some television amplifiers work even without hearing aids, such as TV Ears® or a wireless headset with a personal volume control that plugs directly into your TV’s earphone socket.
Alerting Devices
Assistive Listening Systems for Public Settings
Assistive listening systems (ALSs) are used in public settings, such as a theater, airport, church, or lecture hall. They are mandated and regulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and public facilities must post notification of the system at entrances to buildings with ALS.
There are three approved types of assistive listening systems:
What Our Delighted Patients Say
Assistive Listening Technology Available from Denton Hearing Health Care
This is the ideal solution for people with some degree of hearing loss. It works like any other telephone but displays a text version of every word the caller says throughout the conversation, allowing the user to both listen to the caller and read the written captions in the display window.
Set up involves connecting a phone line to your device and plugging it in, or you can use it along with your high-speed internet service.
LACE (Listening and Communication Enhancement)
Designed by leading audiologists at the University of California, San Francisco and developed by Silicon Valley software veterans, LACE auditory training programs retrain the brain to comprehend speech up to 40% better in difficult listening situations, such as:
- Noisy restaurants
- Rapid speakers
- Competing speakers
LACE can help you develop skills and learn strategies for dealing with situations when hearing is inadequate in the same way physical therapy helps you rebuild muscles and adjust movements to compensate for physical weakness or an injury.
LACE training is accessible from any modern web browser with an internet connection on Apple and Windows computers as well as iOS and Android devices.
Ask Denton Hearing Health Care about Assistive Hearing Technology
Hearing aid technology provides a solution to hearing loss for most individuals, but if you have unique needs that aren’t addressed by your hearing aids, or you aren’t yet ready for hearing aids, Denton Hearing Health Care provides assistive listening devices or systems to enhance private or public communication.
To learn more about the assistive hearing technology available from us, fill out and submit the adjacent form to contact one of our team members who is able to address your questions or concerns.
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