Hearing Health Journeys

Hear What Our Patients Have to Say


“Professional people that are knowledgeable, friendly, service oriented.”

Randall says it wasn’t one specific moment that alerted him to his hearing loss but rather a few clues gradually over time, such as, “Not hearing your spouse in the next room. Turning up the volume on the TV, not knowing it was too loud for others in the room or the house. Hard to talk with someone in a noisy place like a restaurant. Not realizing how loud I was talking and embarrassing to be told to talk quieter.”

Although he says he had his hearing tested a few times previously, he still was “a little nervous” prior to making an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. Fortunately, the team was able to make Randall feel at home. He says he also “appreciated my wife coming with me and her support.”
Some of the highlights he remembers from his first visit were, “The lobby with soft music. Sitting in the insulated sound room, concentrating to hear the test tones. Sitting in a comfortable doctor’s office.”

Randall now loves his hearing aids – not just because he can hear better, but he also finds the modern technology very convenient. He says, “For me when using the Android mobile phone, with the hearing aid setting on, being able to set the phone down and not have to hold it against my ear. Truly wonderful.”

Randall rates Denton Hearing Healthcare a 10/10 and says, “I have a few friends that bought their hearing aids through a store. My experience choice was with professional people that are knowledgeable, friendly, service oriented, and have answered my questions over the last four years.”

- Randall S.


“Make an appointment so they can help you enjoy a better quality of life!”

Stephenie was only in kindergarten when her hearing loss was discovered. Although she experienced hearing care throughout her life, one bad experience put her off continuing with her care. She recalls, “A previously challenging audiologist caused me to refrain from contacting a new audiologist for several years. I’m glad I finally did make contact with Denton Hearing!”

She continues, “Dr. Kufedlt explained every step thoroughly and understands the specific client needs. Very impressed with how they asked me questions and learned my specific needs.”

Stephenie credits Denton Hearing Health Care and her new hearing aids for her recent career achievement. “I have recently been promoted to a wonderful role in my current company. I could not have done so without the hearing aids.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, she advises others, “Make an appointment so they can help you enjoy a better quality of life!”

- Stephenie C.


“They will take care of you.”

Dennae began wearing hearing aids when she was three years old. She doesn’t remember much from the early years, but as the years went by, her hearing loss has made parts of daily life challenging in many different ways.

She says, “There have been changes over the course of 50 years of wearing hearing aids. Challenges come with understanding others in restaurants, not hearing my name called when someone behind me needs me, and comprehending unfamiliar voices on the phone. I do get tired, sometimes frustrated with listening.”

Prior to her first appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, one particular concern weighed on her mind. “I hoped most of all that my love for music and my need to hear it would be valued,” she recalls.

As it turns out, the team didn’t let Dennae down. “Everyone is so professional and polite! I feel like I matter and that they are genuinely happy to see me,” she says.

Hearing aids are Dennae’s connection to everything around her, and she is grateful for the ever-evolving technology. She explains, “I have absolutely no functional hearing. Hearing aids open the door and give me access to the world, to music, to friends. I could not survive without them.”

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, Dennae encourages others to give them a try. “Just go,” she says. “They will take care of you and do right by you. They explain what services you need and treat you like the human you are.

“I have never felt as though I might be taken advantage of. I trust their judgment of the equipment I need.”

- Dennae S.


“All my questions were answered.”

When Richard’s hearing began to deteriorate, he says he “accepted it” and considered living with a hearing loss as a “change in lifestyle.”

However, a part of him wouldn’t give up hope, and this resulted in him booking an appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care despite wondering if they’d be able to help him and how much hearing aids would cost.

During his comprehensive hearing assessment, Richard had the chance to share his concerns and hearing challenges with his audiologist before undergoing a few simple tests. He recalls, “I was totally comfortable with the doctor, and all my questions were answered.”

When asked how hearing aids have improved his life, Richard replies, “I can hear!”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he encourages others, “Go for it! You won’t be sorry. (Good People).”

- Richard T.


“Very knowledgeable.”

Vernon says he realized his hearing was declining when “I was having trouble hearing conversations in work meetings.” Not wanting to miss out on any more important details, he made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

Prior to his appointment, Vernon says he had a few worries weighing on his mind. “I was concerned that that the hearing aids would be uncomfortable and that I would not want to use them,” he recalls.

Thinking back to his first impressions of Denton Hearing, Vernon says, “They seemed very knowledgeable on how to help me.” Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Vernon was prescribed hearing aids.

Satisfied with his new devices, he says, “I am hearing better at work now.”

Vernon rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and advises potential patients, “Let them help you determine if you need something to help you hear better.”

- Vernon D.


“Very thorough and caring.”

Sharon’s hearing had declined so much that she found herself withdrawing from the world around her.

She recalls, “I was missing out on sooo much in family/friend gatherings and misunderstanding so much. I felt left out and eventually just tuned out and did not try to be a part of the conversations. It’s embarrassing to keep asking others to be your ears for you.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Sharon says she thought everyone was “very thorough and caring.” During her appointment, she explained the hearing difficulties she was experiencing and how this was impacting her daily life. Sharon took a few short hearing tests and afterwards she was prescribed hearing aids.

She is grateful for her new devices and the difference they’ve made to her life. “They’ve improved it since I have less incidents where I don’t hear correctly. I would be in a silent world if I did not have them,” says Sharon.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Sharon advises others, “Get checked! You don’t realize what you are missing! I was blown away the first time I had them in my ears. Wow!”

- Sharon F.


“It will change your life.”

Wayne’s hearing loss was totally unexpected. He recalls, “I woke up one day with no hearing in my left ear.”

His immediate concerns centered around “my effectiveness as an executive leader” and Wayne was also worried about “the stigma associated with wearing hearing aids.” He adds, “The perception of being thought of as old really bothered me.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Wayne says, “I was favorably impressed with how the team handled my needs. They helped me manage a successful and continued career working in the board rooms by hearing and relating much better with my hearing restored by the best technology.”

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, he advises others, “Go for it. It will change your life!”

- Wayne A.


“Helps me feel welcome.”

Tammie found that she was having problems understanding others in certain situations. “I got really tired of saying ‘Huh?’ ‘What?’ and then ‘Why?’ I felt like I was missing out,” she says.

Even though she knew she needed help, Tammie shares that she did have some concerns prior to her first appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care. “Cost, embarrassment, and feeling less than” topped her list of worries.

Tammie is thrilled with the care and support she’s received from Dr. Katie. “Katie is the best,” she says. “Very nice, helps me feel welcome.”

Satisfied with her new hearing aids, Tammie says, “Hearing aids are great. I am able to work and hear my family. I think I was more embarrassed by not being able to hear than something in my ears.”

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, she adds, “Katie is great at working with you on anything you may need.”

- Tammie W.


“Down to earth good people.”

Carolyn was feeling self-conscious about her hearing loss, and it made her question her work performance. “I was embarrassed and I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to do my job efficiently,” she recalls.

However, she admits, “I was afraid that the hearing aids wouldn’t really help.” Nevertheless, Carolyn kept her appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care and is glad she did.

She says her first impression of the office was “fantastic” and adds that “Dr. Katie is great!”

Now, Carolyn’s life is back on track. “I’m able to hear better and I’m able to still work. I have a significant hearing loss. So, my new hearing aids have helped tremendously.”

She rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and shares, “Not being able to hear is scary. However, Denton Hearing Health Care is so down to earth good people. They make you feel like you are important and not just another number. They will listen to your concerns/fears and help resolve those feelings/issues. Super friendly!”

- Carolyn K.


“Very kind and helpful.”

Bobby realized his hearing was deteriorating “when I couldn’t hear my wife speaking to me when she walked away from me while she was talking.” He says he also often needed to “turn the TV up really loud.”

He found his hearing loss unsettling and was worried that “I would not ever be able to hear again.”

Recalling his first appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, Bobby says, “Everybody was very kind and helpful. They also spoke very clearly and loud so I could understand them.”

Bobby’s hearing was comprehensively tested and once the results were in (almost immediately!), he was prescribed hearing aids based on his unique needs.

Now Bobby says, “I can hear more clearly and not have to keep asking people to repeat themselves.”

He rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, and when asked what advice he’d give to others, he says he would tell them “to go to Denton Hearing where they will get quality care.”

- Bobby C.


“Very friendly and dedicated.”

When Janna realized that her hearing was deteriorating, she says she “felt like I wanted the best hearing possible.” She didn’t want to miss out on conversations and adds, “My biggest concern was missing what my grandchildren were saying.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Janna says the team was “very friendly and dedicated to finding me the best solution for my hearing loss.”

She was prescribed hearing aids, which Janna is very pleased with. “They help me stay engaged in conversations and not withdrawn.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she wants potential patients to know “that having a doctor educated specifically for hearing loss is essential.”

- Janna S.


“See how they can help you.”

Referring to his hearing loss, Max says, “I am a retired firefighter and have been around loud machinery (tractors, big trucks, etc.) all my life.

After I retired, I took a desk job that required me to talk a lot on the phone with customers. I realized I couldn’t get all the conversation.”

He continues, “I got pretty good at reading lips and always facing the person who was talking to me. Just never thought about hearing aids until I was referred to Denton Hearing.”

Max’s first appointment went well, and he says, “Dr. Candle and Dr. Katie were so helpful.” At Max’s appointment, he had the chance to explain how his hearing loss was affecting him before taking a few simple tests. Afterwards, Max’s results were explained to him before he was prescribed hearing aids.

With his new devices, Max says, “I can hear well even in a crowd of people.”
Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he advises others, “Please go talk with them and see how they can help you.”

- Max


“I have recommended Denton Hearing Health Care to a few people.”

Richard recalls becoming aware of his hearing loss when he wasn’t “able to understand conversations during a discussion.” He says he also found himself “getting information wrong” when talking with others.

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Richard didn’t have any worries, as he had already had his hearing tested elsewhere and he knew he had a hearing loss. Impressed with Denton Hearing, he says the office was “very organized, knowledgeable, and friendly.”

As expected, Richard was prescribed hearing aids, and now his conversations flow smoothly. He says his devices “give me more confidence and make me more sociable with others.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, he says, “I would greatly recommend Denton Hearing Health Care. In fact, I have recommended Denton

Hearing Health Care to a few people considering getting hearing tests and/or hearing aids.”

- Richard J. (R J) V.


“Wearing hearing aids will be life changing.”

Melissa has struggled with her hearing since childhood and she often worries about any changes that may occur as she ages.

Upon her initial appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, she says the team was “friendly.”

Melissa says hearing aids make an enormous impact on her life in “every aspect … social, work, and general understanding from others.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she says, “Wearing hearing aids will be life changing, yet still has its own set of challenges.”

- Melissa M.


“Very caring, supporting, and professional.”

Tinnitus is often one of the earlier signs of hearing loss. “My first indication of a hearing problem was a buzzing in my ears (tinnitus),” says Thomas. “Soon afterwards, my ability to hear became diminished.”

Following a recommendation from his ENT doctor, Thomas made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. His first impressions were that the team was “very caring, supporting, and professional.”

Thomas depends on his new devices to get him through each day. “I have very severe hearing loss, so hearing aids are a necessity,” he says.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Thomas encourages others, “Make an appointment as soon as possible.”

- Thomas H.


“I got amazing results.”

Beth was born with a hearing loss and is now legally deaf.

“My hearing aids are like someone’s glasses. I wear them to help me hear like someone wear glasses to help them see,” she says.

“I never have any fear in regards of my hearing in itself,” she continues. However, prior to switching her hearing care to Denton Hearing Health Care, she did have one concern. “I did have some fear of the people who work there may not have the same views as I do,” she says, referring to her treatment options.

“Once I voiced them, the people at Denton Hearing addressed all my needs and treated me with respect. When I first got there, they were telling me about some implants. Once I told them that’s not the route that I wanted to take, they dropped it and addressed my needs with aids that are suited for my type of loss. Also, I enjoy the fact that they know sign language,” says Beth.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she continues, “I got my 1st pair when I was seven years old. I am now 35 and I have had many pairs in my life but feel like Denton Hearing have fitted me the best for my needs.”

Asked how she would advise potential patients, she replies, “I will tell them to try it out. I got amazing results, love their customer service, and most of all they tend to your every need regardless on which route you want to take.”

- Beth H.

Tania Rodriquez


“Accommodating and understanding.”

Tania was born with a hearing loss. However, it wasn’t until she was in school that she “realized that I was different from others.” She says, “It was frustrating trying to understand what was going on around me. My biggest concern when I was younger was that I couldn’t get a job like the hearing people.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Tania says, “I was impressed, as they were very accommodating and understanding.”

Hearing aids are essential to Tania’s life. With them, she says, “I could hear sounds around me. It impacted me in a positive way.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Tania says potential patients shouldn’t be concerned about making an appointment. “Denton Hearing Health Care is wonderful in helping to pick out hearing aids compatible to their hearing needs.”

- Tania R.

David Young


“You’ll be surprised at what you have been missing.”

David was unaware of his hearing loss, and the truth finally came to light “when my girlfriend asked me if I was having a hard time understanding her.”

Not hesitating to seek help, David made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, despite feeling “worried about how they [hearing aids] may feel in my ears” should he need them.

According to David, the team was “friendly, caring, and they showed me several options each.” He explains, “Each option was explained in detail. I was told the cost of each option and I chose the one I felt was best for me. No pressure to buy most expensive – buy what you think is best for you.”

David is happy with his new devices, but he says, “I wish someone had mentioned my problem to me earlier. After I got my hearing aids, several people mentioned I thought you had a problem but didn’t mention it.

“When something like hearing loss is happening, mine was gradual, so I really didn’t know until my girlfriend had me check it out.”

David gives Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating and advises others, “Do it. You’ll be surprised at what you have been missing. This office has great staff and doctors.”

- David Y.


“Top notch organization.”

Hearing loss can develop gradually over the years, making it hard to detect. Bill experienced this firsthand.

“My hearing loss has been over a long period of time,” he says. “My wife is actually the one that noticed my level of hearing had changed. My occupation was such that working in a loud environment masks the slow loss of ability to distinctly hear. When I changed my vocation to teaching in a classroom was the first noticeable moment.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Bill had a few concerns on his mind. “My concerns hinged around noticeable feedback and an inability to separate the listening levels in different environments,” he says.

His initial appointment went very well, and Bill liked what he found at Denton Hearing. “My first impressions were ‘top notch organization.’ I guess it helped that the office is on top of a hill,” he says.

“Having the ability to distinctly hear with aids reminds me of the time as an 8-year-old boy when I put glasses on and was able to see with such precision that astonishment set in being able to ‘see’ all that I had been missing.

“The noises that were muffled and overlooked before my ‘aids’ brought a youthful exuberance to my awareness,” says Bill.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he adds, “My recommendation to anyone considering both ‘aids’ and Denton Hearing Health Care is to allow technology to enhance your day to day and have faith that ‘DHHC’ will take care of whatever your needs be.”

- Bill W.

Peggy Moffitt


“I’d be considerably isolated if I didn’t have them.”

Peggy realized she had a hearing loss for several years, and she’s been a patient at Denton Hearing Health Care since 2009. She says, “I was and still am scared, worried, but am thankful I was able to receive help and continued care.”

She came to Denton Hearing because “Denton Hearing was highly recommended.” She says, “In 2009, Dr. Chris Caudle helped me in many ways. He was professional, patient, understanding, kind, and thorough.”

Peggy says hearing aids have helped her “in many positive ways” and adds, “I’d be considerably isolated if I didn’t have them.”

Giving a 10/10 rating, Peggy says, “I have and will continue to recommend Denton Hearing.”

- Peggy A. M.



“The only place I go!”

Don was diagnosed with a hearing loss “as a kid at 5 or 6.” So, he’s had lots of experience with hearing care providers during his life.

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, he says he had “no fears, just hopes.” He is grateful to have found Dr. Katie, saying, “Dr. Katie cares about why I am not hearing better.” During his comprehensive hearing assessment, Don had several hearing tests before he was prescribed new hearing aids.

The results have left him nearly speechless! “Oh my! I do not know if I could quantify the impact the hearing aids have made,” he says.

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, he recommends them to others, adding, “The only place I go!”

- Don

Jason Zachary


“Beyond professional.”

Jason decided to get his hearing checked after realizing he was turning the volume up more frequently. “My wife would constantly tell me the TV or the radio was too loud, and I noticed I would have to crank things up sometimes in order to hear well,” he recalls.

“During an annual check-up, I finally asked my primary care physician about it. After a quick check, she recommended I see a specialist,” says Jason.

Prior to his appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, he says, “There really wasn’t any fears or concerns. I was more curious in knowing if I had any hearing issues or was it another issue (such as like a wax buildup). I knew that if I had a hearing loss, I need to start to address it now instead of when I was older.”

Reflecting on his experience at Denton Hearing, Jason says, “Everyone is very professional and friendly. The practice is clean and well maintained. The front staff and the doctors were extremely professional and courteous. I had the tests, the results, and my options explained to me, and all of my questions were answered.”

Jason has found many advantages to wearing his hearing aids. “I have definitely noticed a difference [in my hearing]. I have them as part of my regular routine now, and they are non-evasive. Hearing better now, I can hold better conversations with my wife, friends, and co-workers.

“Also, I notice that the hearing aids lower the amount of white noise I hear from my tinnitus while using them. Also, the hearing aids I have can be adjusted for situations, such as in restaurants, or on a plane, or even at a concert. Having that kind of flexibility is a plus,” says Jason.

Jason rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and continues, “Hearing loss is not going to magically go away. If you have a hearing loss, it’s better to discover it earlier so you can help mitigate the loss which has already occurred, while helping improve your quality of living.

“These days, hearing aids are so much more than a tool. The ones I have also stream, and I am one who has them in constant use throughout the day for work calls or streaming content. They are hardly noticeable (I have had several people comment that they are surprised I have them, as they could not notice).”

He concludes, “Finally, the staff at Denton Hearing Health Care are beyond professional and really do care about how your treatment is going and you as a person.”

- Jason Z.


“It will change your life.”

Randy’s hearing loss was affecting his social life. He recalls struggling “when I would go to dinner out with friends and could not participate in conversations around the table.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Randy says, “They did a great job of making me feel at ease and explaining the process step by step.”

With his new hearing aids, he notes, “I am more involved with people now that I can hear them well.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he suggests others facing similar situations should “make the appointment.” He adds, “It will change your life.”

- Randy


“They care and know what they are doing.”

At the age of 38, Timothy “didn’t want over-the-ear hearing aids.” He had already tried hearing aids from another provider, and prior to his appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, he wondered, “Was it going to hurt like the cheaper ones that I had tried?”

The Denton Hearing team reassured him about his situation, and Timothy says, “They care and know what they are doing.” Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, he was prescribed hearing aids and recommended devices that best suited his hearing and lifestyle needs.

With his new hearing aids, Timothy says, “I am not yelling all the time, and my wife and kids don’t have to yell to talk to me.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Timothy doesn’t hesitate to recommend them to others. “Do it!” he exclaims.

- Timothy M.


“Very friendly and welcoming.”

Hearing loss can create all sorts of communication hiccups and misunderstandings. In Joyce’s case, she recalls, “I thought I was being ignored and snubbed by my husband and co-workers.”

Joyce knew she needed help, but she couldn’t shake the stigma of how hearing aids looked. “I was afraid my hearing aids would be these big, clunky things that everyone could see,” she says. “I thought they would be embarrassing.”

Upon arriving at Denton Hearing Health Care, Joyce says, “The staff were very friendly and welcoming. I was a little apprehensive, but they answered all my questions and were encouraging. They had no doubt they could help me.”

Prescribed hearing aids, Joyce is now busy rediscovering the world around her. “The first thing I found astonishing was that hummingbirds do sing,” she says. “I had never heard them. I was so amazed.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, she adds, “I would highly recommend Denton Hearing Health Care. They cared about me and my hearing issues. They tested my hearing to determine exactly what kind of loss I had and how to best help me. I can always call them with questions and help with my hearing aids.”

- Joyce M.


“No sense putting it off.”

Doris realized her hearing wasn’t up to par when she “noticed that I could not hear if I was lying on my right side.” She also found herself struggling to follow conversations. “I was having people repeat what they said a lot. It was aggravating,” she recalls.

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Doris felt positive about her appointment. “I felt more comfortable getting a diagnosis or test from an audiologist,” she says. “I felt I could trust them more than a hearing aid salesman.”

Her initial impressions of Denton Hearing were positive. She says the team was “ very professional” and she felt that “they would be there into the future when I might need replacements or changes to my hearing aids.”

Conversations now flow much more smoothly for Doris, thanks to her new hearing aids. “I definitely miss them if I forget to put them in,” she shares. “I have to make excuses. ‘Sorry I did not hear you. I forgot to put my hearing aids in this morning.’”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, she encourages others, “Go for it. No sense putting it off.”

- Doris B.


“I highly recommend them.”

Raj became aware of his hearing loss “more than 20 years ago.” He has been a patient at Denton Hearing Health Care for many years and describes his experiences with the team as “excellent always.”

Hearing aids have played a significant role in his life. He says they’ve “eased everyday communication and relationships.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, he says, “I highly recommend them.”

- Raj D.

Ron Woodall's Hearing Health Journey at Denton Hearing Healthcare


“Very supportive.”

Ron became aware of his hearing loss “about 18 ÿears ago” and has entrusted his hearing care to Denton Hearing Health Care for many years.

Thinking back to the beginning of his better hearing journey, he remembers worrying about “the cost of hearing aids.” However, he acknowledges his hearing aids and the care he’s received have been well worth it.

Ron describes the Denton Hearing team as “very supportive” and says, “Patient care has been the reason I have continued to remain a patient.”

He acknowledges that hearing aids have “maintained my quality of life.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, he hopes others will give them a try. He adds, “They would regret not choosing Denton Hearing as a provider of quality hearing service.”

- Ron W.


“You will feel so much better about yourself.”

Wendy was extremely worried her hearing loss would mean “that I could no longer do the job I loved as an elementary school counsellor.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, she also thought “that it was hopeless to regain the hearing I’d lost that would allow me to live my best life.”

Fortunately, the team at Denton Hearing was able to change her viewpoint and treat her hearing loss with amazing results. Wendy recalls that the team was “welcoming and highly professional” and the care they provided was “exactly what I was looking for.”

Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Wendy was prescribed hearing aids. As far as she is concerned, they are a grand success.

“I CAN HEAR AGAIN!” she exclaims. “I had no idea what I was missing and that there were devices that could help me regain what I’d lost.” Now, Wendy is back on track to living the life she loves. “I can confidently do my job that I love and enjoy my life again,” she says.

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, she advises potential patients, “Go now! Do not pass go and do not collect $200! They can help you and you will feel so much better about yourself, and those who live around you will thank you immensely!”

- Wendy G.


“They are great.”

Bill realized he might have a hearing loss when he found himself “missing a lot of the conversations with my wife and grandkids.” Knowing he shouldn’t ignore the problem, he made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

Prior to his appointment, Bill didn’t have any major concerns, but he says he was “just hoping for some help in fixing the problem.”

His first impressions of Denton Hearing were positive, and he notes the team was “very friendly.” His comprehensive hearing assessment showed that he did indeed have a hearing loss. Bill was then fitted with hearing aids best tailored to his individual needs.

He says, “I can hear much better,” referring to his new devices. Satisfied with the results, Bill rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and encourages others considering an appointment, saying, “Do it. They are great.”

- Bill W.


“My life is so much better!”

Holli lost her hearing when she was a young child. This caused her plenty of anxiety in social settings.

She recalls, “My biggest concern is that everyone thought I was rude or a snob because I didn’t answer them. But I never heard them speaking to me.”

When Holli decided to seek help, she wasn’t 100% positive anything could be done to help her. “I thought hearing aids wouldn’t help me since I was deaf in one ear and had some hearing in the other,” she explains.

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, she was impressed with what she found. “All the staff is very friendly and seemed to genuinely want to help me,” she says.

The good news is that Holli did find the help she was looking for. Referring to her new hearing aids, she says, “They are the best thing I have ever done for myself! Hands down! My life is so much better! I can hear the TV without having to blast it. I don’t get nervous about not hearing conversations. I don’t have to ask, ‘What did you say?’ I don’t have to have everyone stand or walk on my good side anymore. I just wish I would have checked into it earlier! I can’t imagine my life without my hearing aids!”

Holli rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and encourages prospective patients to not wait any longer. “Just go check into it. It can’t make it worse! What do you have to lose? Don’t let another day go by with little or no hearing. They can help!”

- Holli R.


“I was very impressed.”

Roger suspected something was wrong with his hearing “when my wife and children had to start repeating themselves to me to understand a simple direction or command.”

Denton Hearing Health Care was recommended to Roger by VA Community Care, so Roger says he “felt comfortable” with them as a hearing care provider.

And he wasn’t disappointed.

“I was very impressed with your operations,” says Roger. “It was right on point of what I needed.”

Communicating is much easier for him with his new hearing aids. “Your hearing aids have made life so much more enjoyable. Now, I can hear my grandson and can actively hear what my wife is saying to me, so I’m not missing what she is saying,” Roger explains.

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, Roger encourages others to make an appointment rather than opt for over-the-counter devices. “I would put my trust in Denton Hearing Health Care before I went out and bought these aids over the counter that have just been approved,” he stresses. “Denton also follows you to make sure that your aids are working for you correctly!”

- Roger S.


“I felt comfortable when I first walked in the door.”

Leslie has had a hearing loss for much of her life. She was only five years old when her mom noticed she was struggling to hear.

When she decided to change hearing care providers, Leslie went with Denton Hearing Health Care. Overall, her experience has been positive, and she rates them a 10/10.

As a hearing aid wearer, she notes that her hearing aids have helped her, but “many, many others don’t have the patience to deal with the hearing impaired.”

Nevertheless, Leslie wants prospective patients to know that at Denton Hearing “I have a wonderful, patient, caring and enthusiastic audiologist there that lives to help me.”

- Leslie A. F.


“Simply put, do it.”

When Kevin recalls the early days of his hearing loss, he explains its challenges from a child’s viewpoint.

“I was quite young at 8 years old, so not having a mature mindset or the mature mental capabilities of fully understanding my hearing loss, my biggest concern was being made fun of by my peers,” he begins.

“I felt embarrassed by having to wear hearing aids because they stood out and made me look different from every other kid, but I was now able to hear things that I had never heard before, so I felt happy in that regard.”

As someone who has worn hearing aids for most of his life and visited many audiologists over the years, Kevin approached Denton Hearing Health Care without any major concerns. He describes the team as “friendly, professional, knowledgeable.”

Kevin has many positive things to say about his experiences with hearing aids and how they’ve helped him daily. “Hearing aids have impacted my life by giving me the ability to hear better than I do without them,” he says. “Of course, this is the function of hearing aids, but they greatly impacted my life during my college years when I was in huge classrooms and needed to hear what the professors were teaching. Albeit it was helpful to sit at the front of the classroom, but hearing aids certainly aided in my overall college education.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, Kevin shares his words of wisdom to anyone contemplating an appointment. “Simply put, do it. If you have any concerns at all about your hearing health and potential hearing loss, schedule an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

“If you suffer from hearing loss, they will do a great job testing your hearing and providing you with knowledge and guidance in choosing the right hearing aid(s) for you.”

- Kevin W.


“Katie made us feel like we were in good hands.”

Ellissa will never forget the day she learned her daughter had a hearing loss.

“It was a life changing moment,” she says. “I’ve never, to this day, ever felt worse in my entire life.”

Determined to find the best treatment for her daughter, Ellissa shares the despair she initially felt. “The roller coaster we experienced after finding out my daughter couldn’t hear was not a fun ride. I felt like I didn’t know who to turn to or who to trust.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Ellissa found the solace she desperately needed. “Katie made us feel like we were in good hands,” she says.

Following her daughter’s comprehensive hearing assessment, a plan to support her was put into action. “My daughter is a rockstar,” says Ellissa. “She doesn’t skip a beat. I’m so incredibly proud of her and how far she has come. She’s the strongest person I know.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises parents facing a similar situation to “do it” and contact Denton Hearing. “My advice is never settle with a doctor. Continue to look until you find one that is right for you and your child,” she says. “This is a lifelong journey, and you have to find the right partner. We were able to find that at Denton Hearing Health Care.”

- Ellissa W.


“I had a great experience with Denton Hearing Health Care.”

Tuve una gran experiencia con Denton Hearing Health Care. Lo calificaría con un 10 de 10. Recuerdo el momento en que me di cuenta por primera vez de que podía tener un problema de audición: estaba viendo la televisión con mi familia.

Antes de contactar con Denton Hearing Health Care, no tenía ningún temor o preocupación preconcebidos. Me dije a mí mismo que todo estaría bien.

Cuando visité Denton Hearing Health Care por primera vez, quedé impresionado por el personal atento. Los audífonos han tenido un impacto maravilloso en mi vida. Si alguien está preocupado por su audición y está considerando Denton Hearing Health Care, recomendaría que dieran este paso importante.

I had a great experience with Denton Hearing Health Care. I would rate it 10 out of 10. I remember the moment I first realized I might have a hearing problem: I was watching TV with my family.

Before contacting Denton Hearing Health Care, I did not have any preconceived fears or concerns. I told myself that everything would be fine.

When I first visited Denton Hearing Health Care, I was impressed by the caring staff. Hearing aids have had a wonderful impact on my life. If anyone is concerned about their hearing and is considering Denton Hearing Health Care, I would recommend that they take this important step.

- Jefferson L.


“I have total confidence in Denton Hearing Health’s diagnostic work.”

In 2019, my husband and I noticed we were constantly shouting at each other, so we decided both of us should have our hearing checked. As a retired UNT faculty member, I was happy to go to UNT Speech and Hearing, where we could support the academic programs and work with experts who understood my health care plan. We were surprised to learn that I was the one with hearing loss, but I was confident it could be corrected.

I contacted Denton Hearing Health Care when I lost one of my hearing aids during a semester break at UNT. I felt lost without them and didn’t want to wait for the new semester. Plus, Denton Hearing Health Care keeps monthly hours at my retirement village, where we now live, which influenced my decision to call.

I had no trouble making an appointment within a week, and while the office’s handicap accessibility wasn’t perfect, the staff were always alert and helpful.

Hearing aids have had a huge positive impact on my life, and I wear them all the time. While I’ve had a harder time adjusting to my new hearing aids, especially with care and use, the apps that adjust for different environments have been helpful.

I have total confidence in Denton Hearing Health’s diagnostic work. My transition to a more powerful brand of hearing aids was harder than I expected, but Denton Hearing Health is very willing to provide follow-up appointments.

- Mary H.


“Life is better when you can hear it.”

My hearing loss is not drastic but annoying. I couldn’t hear lower conversations and missed a lot. My hearing aids are a huge help. All the ladies at Denton Hearing Health Care were friendly and eager to help. I was impressed immediately.

Since getting my hearing aids, it’s the little things that I can now catch that make a difference. Conversations with my wife and friends are much easier, although the only drawback my wife faces is that I enjoy listening to music now, so she has to get my attention before speaking to me!

If someone is concerned about their hearing and is considering visiting Denton Hearing Healthcare, I would wholeheartedly advise them to go for it. You will not regret going; in fact, you might regret not going sooner. Don’t be like me and let vanity stand in your way. Life is better when you can hear it.

- Danny L.


“Initially, I felt scared, but they treat you like family and are very caring and helpful.”

I thought I might be having trouble hearing right after my chemo and radiation treatments, it was incredibly frustrating not being able to listen to my granddaughter’s or great grandson’s voices. Before reaching out for help, I had no preconceived fears or concerns because Katie was so awesome—she explained everything and helped me every step of the way. Initially, I felt scared, but they treat you like family and are very caring and helpful.

Since getting my hearing aids, it’s been a life-changing experience! I can now hear people laughing, singing, and even appreciate the small sounds that I once took for granted. The fact that they were customized in my favorite color, pink, made it even more special. For anyone concerned about their hearing and considering a visit, I would tell them to go ahead and get it checked out—you will be amazed at how it can help, and the ladies at the clinic are so kind!

- Dee N.


“GO FOR IT! They are awesome!”

I began having to read lips to fully understand what was being said. Before contacting the clinic, I had some worries, particularly the fear of losing my hearing completely. I also felt like I was “too young” for hearing aids, having started to wear them in my early 40s. At the clinic, everyone was nice and professional, making me feel completely comfortable with their ability to help my hearing issues.

My hearing aids allow me to hear without people having to “yell” at me. To anyone concerned about their hearing and considering a visit to Denton Hearing Healthcare, I would say, “GO FOR IT! They are awesome!”

- Judy H.


“I hear what is going on.”

George’s experience with hearing aids prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care wasn’t a bad one, but it left him longing for something better.

Recalling the moment he realized he had a hearing loss, George says, “I was in a work meeting and couldn’t make out what they were saying, and it was embarrassing to ask questions. I knew I needed hearing aids but had concerns on how well they really worked. My parents had paid a lot for hearing aids and had minimal success. I didn’t know of the new technology that hearing aids have today.”

Prior to making an appointment with Denton Hearing, the cost of hearing aids was George’s biggest concern. “I had researched hearing aids and was interested in trying the new technology, but I had not tried before because the cost didn’t seem worth it.”

George’s views began to change following his first appointment. “Denton Hearing Health Care was great. It is clean and the staff is helpful and friendly,” he says.

“I have had two sets of hearing aids. The first was purchased from Sam’s and they were good and improved my life so much. They were just plain hearing aids with only a couple of programs, but they were so helpful. I could go to meetings at work and hear everything that was being said and never felt left out of the conversations anymore,” he recalls.

However, the devices George was prescribed following his comprehensive hearing assessment have really impressed him. He continues, “The 2nd pair of hearing aids had more of the latest technology. I got these from Denton Hearing Health Care.

I got these just as covid started. These hearing aids hooked up to my phone and/or computer. I was now attending meetings online and it gave me great freedom to have the calls come right into my hearing aids. I could hear everything that is going on and never felt out of the conversations. I could take an active part in the meetings and train individuals easily, even if they were thousands of miles away, all through my phone and hearing aids.”

George says his new devices have also improved his communication with loved ones. “My wife is very happy with my hearing aids as well. She refuses to talk loudly so I can hear her, so without hearing aids, I just ignored what she had to say. Now, I can hear her and listen to her and it makes for a happier relationship.”

George rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 7/10 and offers potential patients the following advice: “Go and get your hearing tested. Hearing aids will change your life. Before I got hearing aids, I had a hard time understanding my wife and grandchildren. I could be in the same room with my grandkids and since I couldn’t understand them, I would just zone out. With hearing aids, I am an active participant with my wife and family because I hear what is going on. My life is so much better just being part of their lives.”

- George S.


“Willing to listen to my problem.”

Oftentimes, the person with a hearing loss is the last to know. Douglas knows this all too well. Recalling his situation, he says he realized he had a hearing loss when “I was asking everybody what they were saying.”

Douglas also knows how easy it is to deny that there is a problem. “I became mad at everyone and blaming everyone for whispering,” he says. “My wife finally sat me down and told me it was my hearing and we needed to do something about it.”

This is when Denton Hearing Health Care received Douglas’s call for help. Douglas was pleased with the results. He says the team was “very professional and willing to listen to my problem.”

Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Douglas sat with his audiologist and considered his best hearing care options. He decided to go ahead with the hearing devices that were recommended to him based on his unique hearing needs.

For Douglas, his hearing aids are a life saver. He says, “They changed my life. I am able to participate in conversations and understand what’s being discussed.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, Douglas advises others, “Get there as soon as you can. They can help you.”

- Douglas H.


“I respect and trust them completely.”

Anonymous was born with a severe hearing loss and had experienced care from other hearing professionals before turning to Denton Hearing Health Care nearly forty years ago.

Recalling when she decided to make a change, she says, “My only concern was that I had had a bad experience previously with a very different ‘hearing professional’ who turned out to be a high-pressure hearing aid salesman.”

She continues, “I was cautious at first when I first contacted Denton Hearing Health Care, but I quickly learned I could trust Chris and his wife, and I feel the same trustworthiness toward his successor, Dr. Katie.”

Remembering her very first appointment at Denton Hearing, Anonymous says, “I went in cautiously the first time, but I quickly became convinced that Chris was really there to help me, not to make a fast buck by selling me a hearing aid. He really cared, and so does Dr. Katie.”

Despite the severity of her hearing loss, Anonymous is grateful for the support her hearing aids give her on a daily basis. She explains, “Although I have depended mostly on lip reading my entire life, hearing aids help make me aware of environmental sounds around me, alerting me to look for the sound and respond to it. For example, when my children were babies, my hearing aids helped alert me to their cries, so I could go immediately and check to see what they needed.”

Anonymous rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, saying, “DHHC has worked with me and my hearing needs for almost 40 years, and I’ve never had a bad experience with them. I have always been treated with utmost respect and dignity, and I respect and trust them completely.”

- Anonymous


“Was impressed.”

Lela already was experiencing a problem with her hearing, but one day it would change drastically forever. She says, “I had some problems, but my husband shot a shotgun on the porch, and I was inside the door and it blew out my ears and head.”

Although she didn’t have any concerns about visiting Denton Hearing Health Care following recommendations from her friends, Lela wasn’t holding out for much success in treating her damaged hearing. “I had other family members with hearing aids,” she says. “I knew that I probably would never be able to hear perfectly.”

Lela says she “was impressed” with Denton Hearing and the care she received, although she adds, “I still cannot hear very well. I do have trouble understanding lots of people.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises others, “Get hearing aids. It is certainly much better than not hearing anything

– Lela A.


“Dr. Katie is amazing.”

As with many patients, James says his hearing loss was “so gradual.” However, once he realized what was happening, he knew he couldn’t leave it untreated.

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, James was a bit skeptical, saying he “wondered if they [hearing aids] would work.”

His first impression was that the team is “professional.” Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, James had the chance to consider the best hearing options suitable for him.

James has adjusted well to his hearing aids and learned how to best utilize them. He says, “As long as I remember their limitations, they work quite well.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 9/10 rating, he advises others, “Go there. Dr. Katie is amazing.”

– James H.


“This is the place to go.”

When Steve noticed he was experiencing difficulty hearing, he didn’t hesitate to get on top of the problem.

He made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, eager to see if they could help him.

At his appointment, Steve had the chance to explain his challenges in detail before undergoing a comprehensive hearing assessment. He found out his results immediately and after further conversation with his audiologist, he was prescribed hearing aids.

Steve is pleased with his new hearing aids, saying, “I can hear much better.”

He rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and enthusiastically advises others, “This is the place to go!”

– Steve S.


“Get tested here.”

Kevin has had a hearing loss from birth, so he was an experienced hearing aid wearer when he made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

Impressed with his initial visit, his first impression was that the team consists of “well educated professionals.” Kevin is grateful for his hearing devices, saying he “cannot live without.” He rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and urges others, “Get tested here.”

– Kevin R.


“Kind, patient, and understanding.”

Julie suspected something was wrong with her hearing when, “I couldn’t hear a conversation on the television that my husband could hear easily.”

Eager to find out what was happening to her hearing, Julie made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care despite having a few concerns. “I was afraid my hearing aids would be very noticeable,” she recalls, “and I didn’t like the idea of having to wear something in my ears all day.”

Julie says she was impressed with the team at her first appointment. “Everyone was extremely kind, patient, and understanding,” she says.

Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Julie was prescribed hearing aids. Not only do her new devices help with simple things like watching TV, but Julie also considers them a life saver.

“I simply could not function without my hearing aids. For me, it’s a safety issue. Without them, I wouldn’t be aware of my surroundings (traffic, for example),” she explains.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Julie encourages others, “Don’t hesitate – get an evaluation. The sooner you go, the sooner you’ll be able to hear better.”

– Julie T.


“My life is a million percent better”

As a teacher, listening to students and fellow teachers is an important part of the job. So, when Mark began to struggle with conversations, he decided to seek help.

Mark recalls, “I remember trying to follow a conversation with other teachers. I was picking up just bits and pieces of the conversation. I would try to move closer to the person speaking to hear the words better.”

Although Mark says he had “a small fear of the unknown,” he felt he could trust Denton Hearing Health Care. “I knew other teachers who had been patients of Denton Hearing Health Care,” he says.

Mark’s experience was up to par with his work colleagues’ hearing care. He says the Denton Hearing team was “friendly,” offering him “courteous assistance up front.” Mark was also impressed with the “knowledgeable doctors.” He adds, “Dr. Katie really listens to my concerns and answers all of my questions.”

Pleased with his new devices, Mark says, “My life is a million percent better. My hearing aids have changed my life and have enabled me to keep working consistently as a teacher.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, when asked what advice he would give to potential patients, he says, “I would tell them to make an appointment with Dr. Katie as soon as possible. Don’t delay because your hearing affects so many aspects of quality of life.”

– Mark S., M.S. Ed


“Go see them today.”

Dick says he developed a hearing loss many years ago when he was in the Navy. He describes his experience with Denton Hearing Health Care as “very good,” adding that “Dr. Lori is awesome!”

Hearing aids have greatly benefitted Dick throughout the years, allowing him to continue participating in his favorite activities. “They made it so I could continue to sing in the choir for a few more years and to hear others,” he notes.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Dick encourages prospective patients, “Go see them today!”

– Dick W.


“Friendly and professional.”

Abbee was struggling with conversations, and she found herself gradually being cut off from the world around her. “I kept saying ‘Huh? Can you repeat that, please?’” she recalls.

Following a recommendation, Abbee made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. She remembers how “friendly and professional” the team was.

During her appointment, Abbee shared her hearing challenges with her audiologist before undergoing a few hearing tests. She was then prescribed hearing aids based on her individual hearing needs and lifestyle requirements.

Thrilled with her new hearing aids, Abbee says they’ve “improved my life so I don’t look dumb because I couldn’t hear people.”

She rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and advises potential patients, “I recommend you go to Denton Hearing because you will receive people who take an interest in your situation and your concerns.”

– Abbee A.


“They make the whole process seamless.”

Teresa has been a patient of Denton Hearing Health Care for just over a decade. Thinking back to when she first noticed her hearing loss, she says it was “when I kept having people repeat themselves, then at my job when I could not always hear things in meetings and trainings.”

She continues, “I did customer service for a company, and it was all via phone. I was afraid of it getting worse and the effect it would have on my job performance.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing, she says she did have a few worries about wearing hearing aids – if she really needed them. “I was just afraid of how the hearing aid would look and perform,” she says.

Recalling her first appointment, Teresa says, “It was wonderful. From the time I walked in the door till I left, everyone treated me at a professional level but also treated me as an individual on a personal level. Loved the doctors.”

It was determined that Teresa could benefit from hearing aids, and she has stayed with Denton Hearing, entrusting them with her continuing hearing care. Teresa says, “Hearing aids opened up a whole new world; I had not realized how bad my hearing was. It was wonderful to hear sounds like birds, etc.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Teresa recommends, “Get your hearing checked and don’t be afraid of wearing hearing aids (there are so many options to fit everyone’s needs).

“I started wearing mine at the age of 48 and have been wearing them for about 11 years now and have been with Denton Hearing Health Care from the beginning. They make the whole process seamless. They truly care about their patients.”

– Teresa W.


“Very nice and helpful.”

Craig says when his hearing declined that it “was going on for a good year.” He decided to seek treatment “when it got to be a problem with my wife.”

He recalls struggling to understand what people were saying to him and watching the TV was also difficult “not really understanding half of what was said.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Craig says he was worried about the cost of hearing aids but says in the end, his insurance covered most of the cost.

Craig says his first impressions of Denton Hearing were all positive. “Dr. Kate and staff were very nice and helpful,” he shares.

Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Craig was prescribed hearing aids, and soon he was back to enjoying conversations with ease.

“Hearing aids help,” says Craig. “They will never replace my hearing, but when you need help, they’re nice to have.”
Craig rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 9/10 and says he would recommend them to others.

– Craig M.


“They will take care of you.”

onversations were becoming a struggle for Brian, and he knew he had to do something about his hearing loss before it got worse. “I found myself asking people to repeat themselves more often,” he says. “I knew it was time to get tested, and the results were pretty much what was expected.”

Describing his first appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care as “very positive,” Brian also notes the team was “very friendly and welcoming.”

He is thrilled with his new hearing aids and the improved sound he experiences throughout the day. “I now have better clarity when listening to others speak as well as listening to music,” Brian says.

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, Brian advises prospective patients, “Just take a minute and make an appointment. The team at Denton Hearing is wonderful and they will take care of you.”

– Brian


“They really care about the patients.”

Anonymous recalls that their hearing loss happened gradually. “I have Ménière’s disease, and I didn’t realize how bad my hearing was until I got hearing aids,” they said.

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Anonymous shares, “I was very impressed with the staff and they really care about the patients.”

Anonymous is pleased with their new hearing devices and is enjoying reengaging with the world around them. “I can actually hear with my hearing aids. I don’t feel so isolated anymore.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, they encourage others, “Go see them. They really helped me. They gave me a more normal life.”

– Anonymous


“The staff was very professional.”

Mike recalls that his hearing loss was a “gradual (minor) hearing loss over the past several years.” However, it then suddenly “accelerated in the last 6 months.” He says it was particularly frustrating for him “not being able to hear my family clearly.”

After several attempts at finding a solution unsuccessfully, Mike came to Denton Hearing Health Care, and he says his first impression of them was “impressive.” He says, “The staff was very professional and concerned about my feelings about a hearing loss.”

Now, with his new hearing aids, Mike is gradually adapting to his restored hearing. He says, “So far, so good. A real lifestyle change and a fairly steep learning curve. The brain has to adapt to new sounds and what to respond to. Still an amateur with my aids.”

Mike rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, and to anyone considering an appointment, he says, “Do it! This is a life-changing process and is worth the effort.”

– Mike W.


“The most thorough, professional, helpful, and friendly hearing service that I have experienced.”

When Jim became aware of his hearing loss more than two decades ago, his initial choice of hearing devices wasn’t entirely based on what was best for his individual hearing needs.

Recalling his better hearing journey to date, he says, “I am 77 years old now. It’s been over 20 years since I first realized I needed hearing help and needed hearing aids. I was very concerned about the effects on my family relations and my ability to maintain and advance in my work.”

Jim continues, “I didn’t research the different hearing aids that were available at that time. I went mainly by the availability and price. I had used multiple suppliers, brands, and types of hearing aids before becoming aware of the Phonak brand. My hearing had deteriorated to a point that I finally did some research and decided that Phonak offered a wide selection of aids that would provide the help I needed.

“The only concern I had was finding a good local hearing doctor. After some time, I decided that Denton Hearing Health Care was my best choice for me.”

Thinking back to his initial appointment with Denton Hearing, Jim says, “My first visit to Denton Hearing involved an in-depth and detailed hearing test. Doctor Lori Roby was the doctor that provided the test. She was very friendly and thorough from start to finish of the test. I had never had such a complete test before.”

Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Jim was prescribed new hearing aids. Reflecting on his hearing aid experience, he says, “I have had several different hearing aids before. Some were better than the others, but they all helped in my ability to communicate. At work, they helped me communicate and translate detailed information. At home, they helped tremendously to share feelings and understanding that were previously difficult to do.”

Jim rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, adding, “In all my years of hearing loss, they have been the most thorough, professional, helpful, and friendly hearing service that I have experienced. I would recommend them for the service they provide and the Phonak equipment they offer.”

– James B.


“They make sure that you are happy and satisfied.”

When Jim became aware of his hearing loss more than two decades ago, his initial choice of hearing devices wasn’t entirely based on what was best for his individual hearing needs.

Recalling his better hearing journey to date, he says, “I am 77 years old now. It’s been over 20 years since I first realized I needed hearing help and needed hearing aids. I was very concerned about the effects on my family relations and my ability to maintain and advance in my work.”

Jim continues, “I didn’t research the different hearing aids that were available at that time. I went mainly by the availability and price. I had used multiple suppliers, brands, and types of hearing aids before becoming aware of the Phonak brand. My hearing had deteriorated to a point that I finally did some research and decided that Phonak offered a wide selection of aids that would provide the help I needed.

Jackie lost her hearing when she was four years old and has worn hearing aids for most of her life. She says Denton Hearing Health Care was “recommended by TWC, and I have been going to Denton Hearing Health Care for about 10 to 15 years.”

She remembers prior to her first appointment that she felt “nervous at first, but after a few minutes, I was comfortable with the people in the office.”

Jackie is pleased with the ongoing care she’s received from Denton Hearing. As for her current hearing aids, she says, “It works wonderful. I can hear many things that I never heard before. I wear my hearing aids every day.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, she wants prospective patients to know that “DHHC is the best place to go.” She adds, “People are friendly and willing to work with your hearing to make it very comfortable to hear. They make sure that you are happy and satisfied with your hearing aids.”

– Jackie E.


“I am very pleased to recommend Denton Hearing Health Care to others.”

When James talks about his better hearing journey, he is happy to start at the very beginning.
He says, “I was a veteran and was losing my hearing and in 2015 the V.A. qualified me for hearing aids. I lived in Oklahoma and used the OKC V.A. for that initial pair.

“We moved down to Texas after I got the initial hearing aids. The time came to have them replaced and I did not want to go to Oklahoma City for replacements and I lived more than the 40 miles from a V.A. Audiology Facility in Texas.

“At that time, the V.A. had a program called the Veterans Choice Program that allowed qualifying veterans to use non-veteran medical facilities when they qualified and were over 40 miles from a V.A. facility. The program changed its name in 2019 and is now called the V.A. Community Care (Network). I don’ t know if the qualifications have changed. I qualified and the V.A. selected an audiologist practice close to me. That is how I became a client of Denton Hearing Health Care (DHHC).”

Upon his initial visit to Denton Hearing Health Care, James describes his experience as “very good.” Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, James’s hearing aids were upgraded to the latest devices.

He notes, “They have allowed me to continue to participate with people and enjoy programs. DHHC serviced my initial hearing aids from Oklahoma City V.A. and provided the new hearing aids in 2020 and has serviced them since that time.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he adds, “ I have been very pleased with the services, information, and attention to the follow-up appointments they provide. I am very pleased to recommend Denton Hearing Health Care to others.”

– James S.


“Professional and kind.”

Sandra first realized her hearing was deteriorating when, “I couldn’t hear the doorbell at home. My husband pointed it out to me.”

Not wasting any time, she made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care in hopes of a solution. She says the team was “professional and kind,” and Sandra is thrilled with her new hearing devices.

“They allow me to be part of situations that I would avoid if I couldn’t hear,” she explains. “I think it was hard for me to know how bad my hearing was, but once I got my hearing aids, I realized all I was missing.”

Sandra rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and advises others in a similar position, “The people at Denton Hearing Health Care take all the time needed to be sure you hear well. They do it with the understanding that it’s not easy to admit that you can.”

– Sandra W.


“Very positive.”

Stuart says he became aware of his hearing loss “when I missed out on conversations.” Not wanting to feel excluded any longer, he made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

Describing his appointment as a “very positive” experience, Stuart is very satisfied with his new devices, noting this wasn’t his first attempt at better hearing.

He says, “I now do not miss most conversations except in noisy situations. I tried over-the-counter hearing aids that did not help.” Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Stuart advises, “Save your money and get the prescription hearing aids.”

– Stuart C.


“Thankful that they could help me.”

Stuart says he became aware of his hearing loss “when I missed out on conversations.” Not wanting to feel excluded any longer, he made an Henry became aware of his hearing loss approximately ten years ago. At the time, this left him feeling anxious about his future.

He recalls being concerned “that I would not be able to hear what was going on around me. That I may not be able to wear hearing aids due to not being able for them to help me.”

Following his appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, Henry says he was “thankful that they could help me,” citing his comprehensive hearing assessment.

Henry is grateful for his hearing aids, and he is doing well with his devices and ongoing care. He says his hearing aids are a “huge improvement and are helping me to hear what I needed to for daily living.”

He rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and when asked what advice he’d share with others considering an appointment, he says, “Denton Hearing will do everything that they can to help them to hear.”

– Henry H.


“I started being around people again.”

When Linda’s hearing loss began to make conversations difficult, she knew she couldn’t carry on with the daily struggle. She recalls she felt “embarrassed to keep saying ‘What?’” all the time.

Prior to her appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, Linda says she was worried “that they might not be able to help me.” However, she found the team “very nice, understanding, and professional” throughout her comprehensive hearing assessment, and they soon made her “feel less anxious.”

Linda’s new hearing aids have helped her tremendously. “I started being around people again,” she says.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises potential patients, “Go see Dr. Katie. She can absolutely help you.”

– Linda G.


“I was impressed.”

When Linda’s hearing loss began to make conversations difficult, she knew she couldn’t carry on with the daily struggle. She recalls she felt “embarrassed to keep saying ‘What?’” all the time.

Recalling the moment when Thomas realized his hearing was deteriorating, he says, “When people would speak to me, I would not understand what they were saying unless I could see their face and partly read their words.”

He decided to visit Denton Hearing Health Care for help with programming a pair of hearing aids following several recommendations. Thomas explains, “I received my dad’s hearing aids after he passed away and I needed a registered clinic to reset, transfer warranty, etc. These folks were highly recommended.”

He adds that he was “impressed” with the help he received and is pleased that the devices could be tailored to his needs. “I love using the Bluetooth with my phone and TV,” Thomas notes.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he says, “I highly recommend them.”

– Thomas F.


“Everyone made me feel so relaxed.”

Donna has been a patient at Denton Hearing Health Care for many years, and her enthusiasm for the office is as strong today as it was when she first visited.
Thinking back to the beginning of her better hearing journey, she says, “I noticed that I had some hearing loss about 19 years ago. I felt embarrassed that I was always having people to repeat what they were saying to me. “

She remembers, “I was concerned that I might have to wear hearing aids and if it was determined that I needed hearing aids, I didn’t want anyone to know that I was wearing them.

“Denton Hearing Health Care was and is wonderful. Everyone made me feel so relaxed from the moment I walked in the door until I left. They are a very friendly office and are professional at the same time.”

Donna is very grateful for her hearing aids and the care she’s received at Denton Hearing. “I can hear much better since wearing hearing aids and I’m no longer embarrassed about asking people to repeat themselves. My family and friends can’t tell that I wear them, as they really don’t show, and for me that is important, as I’m rather vain,” she says.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises others, “If you suspect that you have hearing loss, I suggest you have your hearing checked. As I found out, I was missing out on conversations and there again many embarrassing moments.

“If you don’t want to miss out on important conversations, please schedule an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care doctors. I know they will be as attentive to you as they always are to me. The doctors are GREAT.”

– Donna C.


“Very kind and caring.”

Bethany’s hearing loss was discovered at an early age. She recalls, “I was a child and couldn’t hear the teacher.”

Upon visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, she found the team “very kind and caring” and is happy she found them to continue her hearing care.

She notes that hearing aids provide her with a “major improvement in daily life and activities.”

Bethany rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 and advises potential patients, “Don’t wait.”

– Bethany


“Make an appointment.”

For Fay, the most difficult part of having a hearing loss was “admitting I had a hearing problem.”
However, she says the team at Denton Hearing Health Care was “very helpful and supportive” as she came to terms with her hearing loss. She says she was also impressed with how “professional” everyone was.

Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, Fay was prescribed hearing aids, which she says have “made all the difference in the world” to her daily life.

She rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and encourages others, “Make an appointment and let them guide you.”

– Fay S.


“You will not be disappointed.”

Lilli recalls struggling to hear in the classroom. “I was concerned when I could not hear instructors in my college classes, as taking notes was required,” she says.

Not wanting to miss out on any vital information, Lilli made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, but that’s not to say she didn’t have any concerns. She notes that the “cost was foremost” on her mind. Lilli adds, “Also, having witnessed my mother and aunt being frustrated at changing tiny batteries, losing batteries, noise amplified but conversations and TV still not clear, all were concerning.”

At her appointment, she found herself impressed with what she found. Lilli says, “Staff was pleasant, kind, and caring. The office was very nice.”

Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, Lilli was prescribed hearing aids. She says her devices have made a big difference to her daily life. “When I wear them, I am more a part of conversations, do not miss words during church or while watching TV, and have more confidence that I can understand and can respond to others,” she says.

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises others, “Please schedule an appointment. You will not be disappointed.”

– Lilli T.


“Caring and professional.”

Although Jim became aware of his hearing loss many years ago, he didn’t seek help “until I became extremely frustrated with not being able to understand what was being said to me.” He admits, “I wasn’t enthused with the idea of perhaps needing to use hearing aids.”

Recalling his first appointment at Denton Hearing Health Care, Jim says, “Although a bit anxious about my first visit, I found Dr. Kufeldt to be very caring and professional. She administered a very thorough hearing test, as I’ve had some in the past due to employer procedures.”

Jim is glad that he finally sought help. His devices have improved his daily life “significantly,” and when he doesn’t have his devices, he notices the difference immediately. “I recently needed to have my hearing aids reworked, which took about a week and after wearing them for a couple of years, I really noticed a difference in how I needed to make sure I stared at people’s lips when talking to me so I could kind of understand what they were saying,” he explains.

Today’s modern technology is also a hit with Jim. “The Bluetooth technology is really outstanding and I can listen to phone calls without having to guess what is being said,” he adds.

Jim rates Denton Hearing a 10/10, saying, “I would highly recommend visiting Denton Hearing Health Care to further understand their situation. Dr. Kufeldt is a caring professional with access to advanced technology to help with hearing issues.”

– Jim R.


“Informative, kind, knowledgeable.”

Sandy struggled with her hearing from an early age. She says, “I was deaf from 4th to 8th grade … learned to read lips … and hearing restored but limited.”

After years of hearing care, Sandy eventually found her way to Denton Hearing Health Care. She notes they were recommended to her by her ENT doctor.

At her first appointment, Sandy met with Dr. Caulder, who she says was “informative, kind, knowledgeable, and went through much of the same horrific treatment that I did as a child.”

Sandy is grateful for hearing aids and how they connect her to the world. “I can hear the birds sing … wonderful.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she adds, “I love Dr. Roby and Denton Hearing.”

– Sandy A.


“Caring and very patient.”

Jill was 3.5 years old when her hearing was evaluated. While one ear could function with a hearing aid, the other one couldn’t, so she’s spent most of her life searching for the ideal solution and hoping new technology could one day help her. She’s also had to advocate for her hearing needs when other hearing care providers offered her conflicting solutions.

She explains, “I was a mature adult by the time I contacted Denton Hearing Health Care. I had moved from out of state to Texas and was working with another audiologist (in Texas) who was pushing the wrong hearing aid for my hearing loss and expected me to purchase the aid after a 2-week trial period.

“She was not listening to me. I called my former audiologist in the other state, and she was the one who told me the hearing aid was not the right aid for my hearing loss. The aid was only for mild hearing loss and I have a severe to profound hearing loss. She told me what the laws required of audiologists nationally and how to find a good audiologist.”

This is the point where Denton Hearing Health Care became a vital part of Jill’s life. She continues, “After doing some research and contacting

Denton Hearing Health Care, they helped me get my money back from the audiologist who was not listening to me, and then they fitted me with the correct hearing aid that I needed in order to function in a world of hearing.

“They were willing to give me a 60-day trial period. Texas only requires a 30-day trial period. The state I moved from always gave me a 90-day trial period. However, with the advent of digital aids and now that I have finally been fitted with a digital aid this past year, I am hopeful that I will not require as long of a trial period with future digital hearing aids.”

After wearing an analog hearing aid for so many years, switching to a digital hearing aid has been an exciting yet also scary option for Jill, but she’s hoping the technology is something she can get used to.

“Audiologists have tried for years to get me to transition to a digital aid (including Denton Hearing Health Care), but I could never function with one. I needed the longer trial periods to know if the hearing aid will work for me. Apparently, digital aids have come a long ways in the last five years so much so that for the first time, I have been able to function with a digital aid.

“There are some things that are better for me with an analog hearing aid that I was used to, but the Bluetooth feature on the digital aid makes up for the difference! I absolutely love the Bluetooth feature, a feature I never had before. It does take time to adjust to the digital aid, but a year later and I am still seeing improvement in my ability to make the adjustment.

“For me, transitioning to a digital hearing aid from an analog hearing aid was the most challenging adjustment. I know they continue to make digital hearing aids better and I believe it will be as good and better than my old analog hearing aid as they continue to make progress.”

Pleased with her care from Denton Hearing, Jill says, “Denton Hearing Health Care took care of me and looked out for my best interest! They listened! They were caring and very patient with me. They cared about my best interest at heart.

“I know they see many people who do not want to wear or even try wearing a hearing aid when they need to. The relationship with an audiologist is a two-way street. You need to earn their trust that you will try what they ask of you, but you also have to communicate with them as to what works and what does not. They don’t know unless you tell them.”

Jill is very grateful for her hearing aids and the life she can live despite having a profound hearing loss. “Hearing aids help me to live in the world of hearing people. It helps me be able to communicate with the people in my life. Without my hearing aid, I would have a hard time understanding what people say to me even with lip reading and that would be very frustrating to me.

“I would literally need to use sign language to communicate with those who sign, but that is not effective with those who do not sign. I love being able to hear the sounds that I can and do hear. I love that I can communicate with anyone!”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, she advises potential patients, “Be patient. It may take time to fine tune the hearing aid to the way you need it to be. Always communicate what works and what does not work. They can’t make adjustments if you are not communicating with them.

“Wear the hearing aid in a variety of environments both to get used to and to notice what is and what is not working for you. Don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family what they notice about you with and without the hearing aid.

“Make every effort to wear the hearing aid; the people in your life will appreciate being able to communicate with you and so will you!

“Denton Hearing Health Care really does have your best interest at heart! I travel the distance to Denton Hearing Health Care because of the service and trial period they provide me with. They have been very good to me, and I am very grateful for the services they provide.”

– Jill S.


“One of the most important things you’ll ever do.”

Dwayne has lived with a hearing loss for many years, first noticing he had trouble hearing when he graduated from college. “This was 1965, and I didn’t know anything about hearing aids,” he says. “I figured I’d have to live with my hearing problem.”

Fast forward to the present, when Dwayne decided to make an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. His only concern was “whether they could help me” and the potential cost of hearing devices.

“I was really impressed with how professional and caring they were regarding my hearing loss,” he says, referring to his first appointment.

Following his comprehensive hearing test, Dwayne was prescribed hearing aids.

He is thrilled with his new devices, saying, “I hear things I haven’t heard for many years and it is wonderful.”

Dwayne rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and advises others, “You will not regret it if you make an appointment with Denton Hearing Health

Care to get all your questions answered by a very caring professional person. It will be one of the most important things you ever do during your lifetime.”

– Dwayne T.


“Get tested.”

Hearing loss not only affects the person with a hearing loss but their loved ones as well. Paul says, “My wife was tired of me saying ‘What?’”

Paul decided to seek help at Denton Hearing Health Care, although he did wonder, “Would the hearing aids actually help my hearing?”

At Paul’s appointment, he was able to explain how his hearing loss was affecting his life before undergoing a few simple hearing tests. His test results were available minutes later, and after discussing his treatment options with his audiologist, Paul was prescribed hearing aids.

He is satisfied with his new devices, saying, “They have brought my hearing back to what I would consider normal levels.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 9/10, he advises others, “Get tested.”

– Paul


“I no longer need to turn the volume up on the television.”

Douglas noticed his hearing loss when “I couldn’t understand what my grandchildren were saying.” Not wanting to miss out on any special moments, he decided to make an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care.

Prior to his appointment, Douglas recalls, “My only concern was whether or not hearing aids would help with my hearing.”

Fortunately, the appointment went well. Douglas says the team was “friendly, understanding, and professional.” His new devices have made life so much easier and enjoyable for him. “I no longer need to turn the volume up on the television so loud that everyone leaves the room. I can now understand my grandchildren without asking them to repeat everything they say three or more times.”

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, Douglas’s advice to others in a similar position is, “I would recommend that they call and make an appointment for an evaluation. I would also mention that there is no obligation or pressure to purchase.”

– Willard D.


“Kind, polite, and listened to my concerns.”

Eating out one evening led to Pete realizing his hearing was struggling. “I could not hear what the waitresses were saying,” he recalls. Additionally, Pete says, “I wanted the TV louder than everybody else,” remembering other signs that his hearing just wasn’t in top form.

Pete decided to make an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care without any hesitation. He says he “just knew I needed help hearing.”

At his initial appointment, Pete was impressed with the team, describing everyone as “kind” and “polite.” Plus he felt like his audiologist “listened to my concerns completely.”

Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Pete was prescribed hearing aids. He is completely satisfied with the results, saying, “Without hearing aids, I would not be able to function in the outside world.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he advises others, “Over-the-counter aids are not the way to address your hearing problems. Many people have hearing problems that are at varying frequencies; only the doctor can address those type of problems.”

– Pete H.


“I can understand everything the pastor says in church.”

Oftentimes, the person with a hearing loss is the last one to know about it. This was certainly the case for Julia.

She recalls, “It came gradually, so it was my husband who noticed it first. He told me that because I couldn’t always hear everything that was said to me, my sense of humor was not as good. That bothered me because I like having a good sense of humor.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Julia says, “I was afraid that if I started wearing a hearing aid, I would not be able to hear at all when I took it off. That was not the case.”

Julia was impressed with her comprehensive hearing assessment and remarks the office has “good equipment for testing.”

Her new hearing aids have made interacting with others much easier. “I can understand everything the pastor says in church, which is nice,” she says. “Everyone says I don’t talk as loud.”

Julia rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10. When asked what advice she would give to others in a similar position, she says, “I would recommend that they go in and have their ears checked, and if they need hearing aids, that would be a good place to get them.”

– Julia N.


“All good impressions – then and now.”

Archie first became aware of his hearing loss while “in a machine shop.” At the time, he approached his situation rather calmly, as he believed “it was a common condition among us.”

However, prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, he admits he did have “just the usual concerns associated with shopping for such an important, expensive item.”

Archie has been a patient at Denton Hearing for a number of years now and is still pleased with his hearing care, saying, “All good impressions – then and now.”

He says his hearing aids have had a “huge, positive impact” on his life. “They are such a help. I can’t imagine going without them after all these years,” he says.

Archie rates Denton Hearing Health Care an 8/10, and to potential patients he advises, “I would say go for it. They are the best I know of.”

– Archie K.


“Extremely patient, understanding, and supportive.”

Jacob’s hearing loss made him feel uncomfortable. He wasn’t aware of it until “people started saying that they greeted me, and I did not respond.” This left Jacob feeling “embarrassed.” At the time, he says, “I was confused about my deficiency and concerned about the future.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Jacob was rather wary about any potential help they could offer. He explains, “I had tried hearing aids without much success in the quality of hearing, and I was convinced this was what I had to deal with.”

However, things started looking brighter for Jacob at his first appointment. “I was assigned to Dr. Katie Bessent from the beginning and my experience with her has been outstanding.” He describes her as “extremely patient, understanding, and supportive” and says she was “ready to listen to each and every concern I had and ready to help always.”

Jacob continues, “I have been her patient for over seven years, and she’s been the best in providing for my hearing needs.”

He says hearing aids have made a huge impact on his life, calling his devices “a boost in self-confidence.” Jacob says, “The lack of proper hearing had made me a recluse. I avoided company and shrunk from conversations. With my current hearing aids, I am more confident in my day-to-day life.”

He rates Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, concluding, “Hearing loss can be challenging. It can take away the quality of life. But with the right choice of hearing aids and with the help of a caring and supportive audiologist, one can get back most of what is lost.

“Based on my personal experience, with Dr. Katie Bessent at Denton Hearing Health Care, I would recommend this institution to anyone who needs help with their hearing.”

– Jacob G.


“Don’t wait any longer.”

Oftentimes, hearing loss is dismissed and the person decides to ignore the problem until it becomes too difficult to live with. This is what happened to Catherine.

She recalls, “I knew for quite some time before I decided to do something about it. When my grandkids started to complain about having to repeat things for me, I decided it was time.”

Denton Hearing Health Care isn’t Catherine’s first experience with an audiologist. She had worn hearing aids before visiting, and there was one concern that left her feeling uneasy. She says, “I had actually lost some hearing aids and was really worried I would lose a new pair.”

At her appointment, Catherine found the team “highly professional.” Following her comprehensive hearing assessment, she was prescribed new hearing aids.

She loves her new devices and her fear of losing them has also subsided. “The ones I purchased from Denton Hearing have a small plastic piece that has helped the aids to stay seated,” she says. “I am basically able to function again without worrying about missing out on the important people in life.”

Giving Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10 rating, she advises others, “Don’t wait any longer. You will be so happy that you did.”

– Catherine R.


“Good folks and trustworthy.”

Merv has lived with a hearing loss for 40 years.

When he decided to find a new hearing care provider, he turned to Denton Hearing Health Care for his care. Upon visiting, he says the team was “very professional and friendly.”

Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Merv was prescribed new hearing aids with the latest technology. He is very pleased with the results.

With his new devices, Merv notes “improved personal interaction” and he “enjoys media more.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, he adds that they are “good folks and trustworthy.”

- Merv S.


“Intelligent, caring answers.”

Monica realized she had a hearing loss in the classroom one day. “While substitute teaching, I realized I was missing some of what the students were saying,” she recalls.

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Monica didn’t have any major concerns, but she says she “just wanted to correct the problem.”

Remembering her first appointment, she says, “I was impressed with the knowledge and caring shown by Dr. Katie Bissent.” During her appointment, Monica had the chance to explain the challenges she was experiencing before taking a few short hearing tests. Afterwards, hearing aids were prescribed based on her test results.

Monica is happy with her new devices. “I don’t miss out on most conversations around me,” she says.

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, she encourages others to follow in her footsteps, saying, “You will receive intelligent, caring answers to your questions.”

- Monica B.


“Definitely give it a try.”

When Thomas began to struggle with his hearing, he knew the best thing he could do for himself was to seek help.

He decided to give Denton Hearing Health Care a try, and he’s glad he did. Thomas describes his first impressions of the team as “excellent.” Following a comprehensive hearing assessment, he was prescribed hearing aids.

Thomas is thankful for his hearing aids and the care he received. He says his devices “keep me part of everyday living.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, he advises others, “Definitely give it a try.”

- Thomas D.


“DHHC will take great care of you.”

“I couldn’t hear the TV,” says Terry, recalling the moment he first noticed his hearing loss.

Not wanting to miss out on his favorite shows, Terry made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. He says the team was “very professional” as his hearing loss was addressed. By the end of Terry’s appointment, he was prescribed hearing aids.

His new devices have tuned Terry in to everything he enjoys again. “I can hear the TV, someone talking, and the music is much better,” he says.

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, Terry shares, “DHHC will take great care of you.”

- Terry


“The best around.”

When faced with her hearing loss, Debi says, “I needed to be able to hear to communicate with others.”

Unfortunately, her first attempt at better hearing didn’t go very well. She says, ”I went to a ‘box’ hearing aid company and they couldn’t help me efficiently.”

Debi’s next destination was Denton Hearing Health Care, and she says her first impressions were “extremely positive.” She says she really liked “the amount of personal service” she received “rather than being a number.”

She explains, “I had additional hearing aid needs and they were able to help me get the best hearing aids. The quality of the aids and service surpass any ‘box’ aids and companies. Because they were tested and fitted by an audiologist, I have the hearing that allows me to communicate with others.”

Rating Denton Hearing a 10/10, Debi says, “The people of Denton Hearing are personable and care about your needs. They work with you and help you get the best hearing aids that fit your budget. The office staff and doctors are the best around.”

- Debi P.


“The people at Denton Hearing are the best.”

Tim suspected something was wrong with his hearing when he “could not understand what people were saying.”

Tired of trying to keep up with conversations, Tim made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care. During his appointment, his audiologist spent some time learning about Tim’s hearing challenges. Tim then took a few hearing tests that showed he would benefit from hearing aids.

He is happy with his new hearing aids and acknowledges his hearing is “better” now.

Tim rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and advises others to make an appointment. He adds, “The people at Denton Hearing are the best and want to help.”

- Tim D.


“I hear much better now.”

For those who have served in the military, hearing loss is sadly quite common due to exposure to loud noises over time. Such is the case for Bobby, who was “assigned to an artillery unit.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, he says, “My concern was what will be the long-term effect of this on my hearing.” However, Bobby approached his appointment day with an open mind and knew there wouldn’t be any major surprises. “I had several hearing tests and knew that I had lost some hearing,” he explains.

Bobby says the Denton Hearing team was “professional” and said they would “take care of my hearing loss.”

Referring to his new hearing aids, Bobby says, “The hearing aids have had a positive effect on my hearing. I now hear much better.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Bobby encourages prospective patients, “Make an appointment and go see them. They will help.”

- Bobby S.


“The friendly service could not have been better.”

Wallace has been a hearing aid wearer for a number of years and relocated to Denton from western Colorado three years ago. “My daughter, who lives in Argyle and has a hearing loss, recommended Denton Hearing Health Care because of the excellent hearing help they have provided to her,” he says.

Wallace was impressed with Denton Hearing the moment he walked through the door. “It was obvious that they wanted to help me, and the friendly service could not have been better,” he recalls.

“Without the hearing aids, my life would be rather lonely,” says Wallace. “They make it possible to communicate with family, friends, and all the persons with whom I must talk to and hear, such as the staff of grocery stores, medical personnel, restaurant servers, etc.”

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, he advises others, “Don’t delay. Make an appointment. Your ability to hear is too vital and important to having a fulfilled life.”

- Wallace P.


“I highly recommend them.”

Pam has been a patient at Denton Hearing Health Care for the last ten years. Her hearing loss became apparent while she was in her 50s, and she still recalls the struggles she experienced after all this time.

“I began having trouble hearing my customers and friends on the phone and in noisy environments,” she says. “Running a business was a challenge.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing, a few concerns weighed on Pam’s mind. “As with many people, vanity plays a role as well as money,” she explains. She was concerned about “spending a lot of money and not having them work.”

However, Pam was soon impressed with the care she received. “They were very concerned about getting the right hearing aid and fit for me. They were also very friendly and became like friends. They listen to any issues you have about the hearing aids. I like the fact that they are doctors with extensive training. You don’t get that with the little box stores,” she notes.

Overall, Pam is happy with her hearing aids and the care she’s received at Denton Hearing. Referring to her devices, she says, “They don’t cure all my hearing loss, but my glasses don’t cure all my vision loss. It is much better when I’m wearing them. I put them on in the morning and wear them until I go to bed. Phones, restaurants, TV, and general conversation is enhanced.”

Rating Denton Hearing Health Care a 10/10, Pam says, “I believe they are great people. It may be more expensive, but you get what you pay for. I am never charged for adjustments or advice. When I first started wearing them, they tried several different types and had to try several different earpieces until we found something comfortable for me. When my mother passed away and her hearing aids were very new, Denton Hearing adapted them for a friend. I highly recommend them.”

- Pam E.


“You won’t regret it.”

While in the US Army, a physical revealed that Bryan had suffered a severe noise trauma. At the time, he wasn’t thrilled about the prospect of wearing hearing aids and considered them a “waste of time and money.”

However, following his appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, his views soon changed. He recalls that the team was “kind and considerate” and “eager to help.”

Bryan is impressed with his hearing aids. “They connect with my phone, which is nice, and overall have been a real help and they are simple to use and maintain,” he says.

He gives Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating and advises prospective patients, “Go, go, go and you won’t regret it.”

- Bryan C.


“They are working in your best interest.”

Recalling his first signs of hearing loss, Joe says, “A few years ago, I noticed ringing in my ears and had a harder time hearing conversations.”

He decided to make an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care and says he had “no fears or concerns other than wanting improvement of hearing.”

Joe quickly felt at ease with the Denton Hearing team. “Everyone was so friendly and helpful. It made the whole process go so smoothly.”

Following his comprehensive hearing assessment, Joe was prescribed hearing aids. The difference they’ve made to Joe’s life has been amazing.

“The hearing aids have allowed me to not feel isolated or left out of conversations anymore,” says Joe. “It gave me my life back to what I wanted.”

To anyone debating about making an appointment, he says, “If you are considering it, go check out Denton Hearing Health Care and see what they say. The doctors really do a great job making the effort to experience what you are going through personally so they can do their best at fixing it. It’s not a one-size-fits-all patient solution there, which makes it really personal and proves they are working in your best interest. I highly recommend them.”

Joe gives Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating.

- Joe J.


“I wanted to go to an established hearing business in Denton.”

Kathleen is a seasoned hearing aid wearer, but she clearly remembers the difficulties she faced before she sought help. “You have to keep asking people to repeat what they said,” she recalls, “and you need to turn the volume up on the TV.”

When searching for an audiologist in Denton, she says, “I knew that I wanted to go to an established hearing business in Denton, someone that has a good reputation.”

At her initial appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, Kathleen says, “Both of my ears were tested with various sounds, and I was given explanations on the findings.”

Kathleen has been pleased with the care she’s received and how her devices have helped her daily. She says her hearing aids have helped her “greatly.”

Encouraging others to make an appointment, she shares, “You’re more confident in interacting with others. I was surprised to learn that my hearing aids could be recharged every night (no batteries needed). They are programmed for each individual person; you can change the volume on them yourself. They are easy to put on and take off. I have the ones that sit behind the ears. I have had these hearing aids for years.”

- Kathleen D.


“Friendly and helpful.”

Several clues indicated that Jana’s hearing wasn’t as good as it used to be.

She recalls, “When talking on the phone, I had to always use my left ear. I also noticed that my son’s low voice was impossible to hear and often had to ask him to repeat his words.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, Jana had unsuccessfully found a solution to her hearing loss at another provider, and this left her a bit wary the second time around. “My only concern was having gone to another hearing facility, I was not happy with their service, but I had heard good things about DHHC,” she explains.

Thankfully, her search for hearing care ended at Denton Hearing. She says her “first impression was excellent” and adds, “The office staff was friendly and helpful. The doctor was knowledgeable and understood my hearing issues. She advised me on my options to correct my hearing loss.”

Now, Jana can’t imagine life without her devices. “I wear my hearing aids daily from the time I get out of bed until I return to bed in the evening,” she says. “They are comfortable and reliable, and I hear better.”

However, she notes, “They aren’t perfect, as I still have trouble in loud restaurant settings. Overall, I am happy with them.”

Jana rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and says, “I would highly recommend DHHC to anyone with a hearing loss or someone trying to help a loved one with a hearing loss.”

- Jana C.


“Personable and caring people.”

The main concern David had about his hearing loss was “continued hearing loss.” Not wanting his hearing to get worse, he made an appointment with Denton Hearing Health Care, where he says he was “impressed with the personable and caring people.”

During his comprehensive hearing test, David had the chance to discuss his hearing challenges and lifestyle interests before taking a few simple tests. Once the results were available minutes later, he was prescribed hearing aids best suited to his individual needs.

David says his hearing aids are “great, especially at work,” and he doesn’t hesitate to recommend Denton Hearing to others. In fact, he says he has already “referred a person who was very happy with the care.”

He gives Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating.

- David P.


“There are lotta birds around.”

B.C. had been a hearing aid wearer for more than a decade. He recalls the moment his better hearing journey began, saying, “About 15 years ago my doctor said, ‘You don’t hear very well, do you?’”

When B.C. approached Denton Hearing Health Care for help, the hearing aids he was prescribed were a life changer for him. He recalls, “We tried on some hearing aids and it was like a New World. I had previously been a pilot for 40 years, and the jet engine did a job on my ears.”

B.C. continues to count on Denton Hearing for his hearing care, and he is thankful for his devices. “I wear them all day, every day, and one of the first things I noticed was there are lotta birds around,” he says.

Giving Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating, he advises potential patients to simply “Go for it.”

- B.C.


“Friendly, knowledgeable, and caring.”

When Katy noticed a change in her hearing ability, her first concern was “where to go to be properly diagnosed.” She decided to give Denton Hearing Health Care a try because “they were highly recommended.”

Upon arriving at her appointment, Katy found the Denton Hearing team to be “friendly, knowledgeable, and caring.” During her comprehensive hearing assessment, a few tests were conducted, which resulted in Katy being prescribed hearing aids.

Overall, life is much easier for her now. Katy says she “feels more a part of conversations” and is “less frustrated.”

She gives Denton Hearing a 10/10 rating and to anyone considering an appointment, she encourages, “Go there, for sure.”

- Katy


“Fantastic from the moment I walked in the door.”

Alice suspected she might have a hearing loss when she experienced “trouble hearing most women’s voices” and had “some difficulty hearing phone calls.”

Prior to visiting Denton Hearing Health Care, she recalls being “concerned about the severity of my hearing loss and the expense to address it.” Nevertheless, Alice didn’t let her concerns change her mind about seeking help.

She describes her first impressions of Denton Hearing as “fantastic from the moment I walked in the door.” Alice adds that the team was “friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, answered all my questions!”

Her comprehensive hearing assessment revealed that she would benefit from hearing aids. Neither the Denton team nor her new devices have let Alice down.

“I can hear TV and phone calls at a normal volume,” she notes. “Women’s voices are easier to understand.”

Alice rates Denton Hearing a 10/10 and advises others in a similar situation, “Get your hearing checked and assessed. Don’t wait for it to become an issue in your work or personal life.”

- Alice M.


“My world has opened up.”

I first realized something was amiss with my ears during a Bible study group when I noticed that voices were muffled. This realization led me to have some fears about whether I could be helped. However, the clinic put me at ease. The staff were patient and understanding. I love them [my hearing aids].

My world has opened up. I will attend group activities now. If someone is concerned about their hearing and thinking about visiting, I would encourage them to call Denton Hearing and make an appointment.

- Linda G.


“Thanks to my top hearing aid product, they were able to make an adjustment, which sorted my issue.”

The first moment I realized there was something wrong with my hearing was in my 60s. I did not want to believe my hearing was really that bad. I was concerned about costs and what my health insurance would cover.

When I arrived at Denton Hearing Healthcare, I had a good feeling based on recommendations from other doctors. I was immediately comfortable with the original husband and wife team who owned the clinic, and I’ve found that the new generation owners are just as welcoming. Since I began using hearing aids, I’ve noticed that the quality of sounds is significantly better. However, I do prefer not to wear them while working in the yard, and in very loud restaurants, I sometimes take out the non-lead device rather than adjust the volume.

If you’re worried, just make an appointment to meet one of the doctors, or have a hearing test, then stop back to talk about the results. On my recent hearing test in 2024, the quality of the sound I was receiving dropped. Thanks to my top hearing aid product, they were able to make an adjustment, which sorted my issue.

- Randy S.


“You don't know what life is like if you are having hearing problems. They are not as noticeable as you would think.”

I’ve had a hearing problem for many years, and it seems to be getting worse; however, Denton Hearing consistently keeps my situation up to date. Before I contacted them, I did have some concerns, especially since I was previously treated by the VA where it was difficult to secure appointments. Thankfully, Denton Hearing works diligently to keep me current with my hearing care.

My first impressions of the clinic were that it had a nice, relaxing atmosphere with friendly people, there’s no hassle. My hearing aids help me socialize as I get older. You don’t know what life is like if you are having hearing problems. They are not as noticeable as you would think.

- Ron A.


“I was pleased to see how pleasant the office was and how welcoming everyone was.”

I noticed that I was not hearing very wellI. I was left out of conversations, and people didn’t seem to talk to me. After having my hearing tested, I was relieved to learn that hearing aids were available to help me become part of conversations and hear people talking to me. When I put the hearing aids in, it made all the difference in enjoying conversations and fully participating in them. Since I had been wearing hearing aids for years, I had no fears or concerns and believed Denton Hearing Health Care would be a step up.

I was pleased to see how pleasant the office was and how welcoming everyone was. I felt like this was a good place to go. Wearing hearing aids has significantly improved my life. I no longer feel like I’m missing out on conversations and everything else happening around me. If someone is concerned about their hearing and considering a visit, I would encourage them to see you. If they aren’t pleased, they can always explore other options, but I’m confident they would realize they made a great choice.

- Sharon K.


“It won’t get better on its own, and improving your hearing will greatly improve your life.”

While driving in my car, I thought I could hear the buzzing of insects in the summer. I realized that was not possible; the noise in my head from tinnitus. I already had hearing aids and was simply looking for a good hearing care provider and newer aids. I thought both the staff and office were nice.

I really appreciate updating to hearing aids with Bluetooth connection for music and phone calls. If someone is concerned about their hearing, I would tell them to do it and not wait. It won’t get better on its own, and improving your hearing will greatly improve your life.

- Terry F.


“I now hear things I was missing before without even realizing it.”

I knew bad hearing would be hereditary, but it still made me feel like I was getting old when it started affecting me. I didn’t have any real fears before contacting you since my father, his sisters, and my older sister already had hearing aids. My first impression was that everyone was very professional, knowledgeable, and caring.

Wearing hearing aids has helped me a great deal—I now hear things I was missing before without even realizing it. For anyone concerned about their hearing, I would say, make an appointment! There’s no pain involved in the test.

- Charles B.


“I would absolutely say go for it. It's worth it.”

I noticed I couldn’t hear certain noises anymore, like the blinker in my car or the click and slap of a ceiling fan, which was fine with me. But then I had to strain to hear some people talk to me. Why would they whisper? In the end, it was getting upset with my children, who told me repeatedly I need a hearing aid, and that they are tired of repeating to me.

My first impressions of the clinic were positive— the room was cool, and the staff were very friendly. Now, I can hear everything around me much better. While there were some noises that I didn’t really miss, it’s nice to know that nobody can sneak up on me anymore.

If you’re concerned about your hearing and considering a visit, I would absolutely say go for it. It’s worth it.

- Evelyne C.


“I resisted doing anything until 2022, when I finally got a comprehensive exam.”

I didn’t have a specific ‘first moment’ when I realized I had a hearing challenge, but after retiring in 2015 and moving to Europe, I began noticing I couldn’t always make out what people were saying at the store or with friends in noisy restaurants. At first, I thought it was due to the noisy surroundings or their accents when speaking English.

When I returned to the U.S. in 2019, I could tell things were getting worse, but I managed with headphones or hearing devices for watching TV. Those devices, which were supposed to improve speech clarity, were ineffective because they also amplified background noise. I resisted doing anything until 2022, when I finally got a comprehensive exam.

My only real concern before contacting you was the cost and effectiveness of prescription hearing aids. I wasn’t worried about appearance or being self-conscious about wearing them. My first impression of you was that you were very professional and straightforward with my test results. I’m planning a new exam in 2024 to compare with the one from 2022.

Wearing hearing aids has improved my life somewhat, though I’m still adjusting from using headphones for TV and music. I’m also learning how to best adjust the aids for different environments. For anyone concerned about their hearing, I would recommend getting an exam and a second opinion, as it is a significant expense. I also suggest consulting Consumer Reports and other reviews for feedback on different brands and models.

- Daniel M.


“I couldn’t work without them.”

During business meetings when I noticed I couldn’t hear what was being said unless I was looking directly at the speaker. Before reaching out, I had some worries about whether hearing aids would be uncomfortable and if they would effectively screen out unwanted noises. However, my first impression of the clinic was that it was friendly and focused.

I couldn’t work without them [my hearing aids]. If someone is concerned about their hearing and is thinking about visiting, I would strongly encourage them to do it as soon as they can.

- Joe B.


“In fact, I've already recommended Denton Hearing to several friends.”

Although I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I realized I had a hearing challenge, I became aware that I was continually asking my family to repeat themselves and was struggling to hear in public settings. Before reaching out to the clinic, I had some concerns about whether I would actually wear hearing aids. However, upon visiting, I found everyone to be very nice, caring, professional, and personal.

Since getting my hearing aids, my life has significantly improved—I hear my family and others so much better, and I no longer have to ask people to repeat themselves nearly as often. If you’re concerned about your hearing and thinking about visiting, I wholeheartedly recommend that you do yourself a favor and make an appointment. In fact, I’ve already recommended Denton Hearing to several friends.

- Jeff G


“If someone is concerned about their hearing, I would just say: do it.”

I had to keep asking people to repeat themselves, and I thought it was them, not me.

I thought there would be a stigma around wearing hearing aids, but since I already wore glasses, it wasn’t a big stretch to have hearing aids as well. My first impressions of you were that you were competent and caring.

Wearing hearing aids has made an immense difference in my life. I still have difficulty at times, but when I take them out and try to interact with the world, the difference is huge.
If someone is concerned about their hearing, I would just say: do it.

- Jim H.


“In fact, I was very pleased to find that they exceeded my expectations right from the beginning.”

I first realized something was up with my ears approximately seven years ago when I was 60. At that time, I noticed I could not hear speech as well, particularly in public places with background noise. Since I had previously seen another provider, I didn’t have any significant fears or concerns before reaching out to Denton Hearing. In fact, I was very pleased to find that they exceeded my expectations right from the beginning.

Upon arriving, my first impression was one of warm greetings from the front desk, which was reinforced by the friendly welcome from Dr. Katie. I recently went back for my one-year follow-up, and Dr. Katie checked my hearing and made adjustments to my hearing aids, leading to noticeable improvements in my hearing. She also updated the app on my phone, enhancing my experience even further.

To anyone who is concerned about their hearing and considering a visit to Denton Hearing Healthcare, I would strongly advise: don’t wait. Get it done and start hearing what you’re missing out on. If you’re into technology, like I am, you’ll find that my hearing aids connect seamlessly to an app on my phone, allowing for easy adjustments. I utilize a “Companion Mic” that my wife clips to her shirt, making it much easier for me to hear her voice over background noise in restaurants.

Alternatively, we can set it in the middle of the table when we’re out with the kids. Not only that, but I can answer phone calls hands-free and even listen to music with my hearing aids acting as earbuds. The process at Denton Hearing Healthcare is straightforward and has made a significant improvement in my life.

- BG B.


“Give them a try. You won’t be disappointed.”

At my father’s funeral, I struggled to hear my very eloquent son giving the eulogy clearly. It was a moment I can’t get back, and that’s when I knew I needed to seek assistance. Thankfully, my experience with Denton Hearing was fantastic. I was treated well and with respect, and walked through every step of the process.

Since I began wearing hearing aids, I can hear much better. To anyone concerned about their hearing and considering a visit to Denton Hearing Healthcare, I would say, “Give them a try. You won’t be disappointed.”

- Penelope S.


“Both my wife and I were pleased with the products and the friendly staff.”

I first became aware of my hearing loss several years ago as a veteran. I went to the V.A. in Oklahoma, where I lived at the time, and they fitted me with a pair of hearing aids. The V.A. has a Community Care program that allows veterans to choose a private hearing aid clinic if they qualify, and I was assigned to Denton Hearing Healthcare. I have been extremely satisfied with their services for almost ten years.

Before reaching out to them, I had no preconceived fears or concerns because they were conveniently located less than 10 miles from my home. Both my wife and I were pleased with the products and the friendly staff. Since using hearing aids, they have significantly improved my everyday life by helping me pick up most conversations. Living in a senior living community, the hearing aids also assist me in filtering out background noise when we are in public areas.

If someone is concerned about their hearing and is considering a visit to Denton Hearing Healthcare, I would encourage them to have a hearing test performed. It’s also beneficial to verify whether insurance covers a portion of this service. Getting to know the staff during the visit can help with the decision-making process.

- Jim S.


“The aids have also become smaller and more stylish; in fact, I bought pink ones that I absolutely love!”

I began misunderstanding words on the TV, and I would ask my husband what they said, and his response was often different from what I understood. I also found myself asking him to turn the volume up. Over a few months, it became clear I might need hearing aids, and my husband started expressing his concerns as well.

Years ago, there was a stigma attached to wearing hearing aids, which made me hesitant. However, I’ve realized this stigma has faded, and many people now wear them openly. The aids have also become smaller and more stylish; in fact, I bought pink ones that I absolutely love!

I had seen their ads for years under the previous owners, and when I noticed Katie’s picture in the ads, I felt curious about their services. I’ve been very pleased with the level of service I’ve received since then.

Now, I feel more confident in group settings because I no longer need to ask people to repeat themselves. My husband is also much happier since I don’t have to blast the TV volume anymore, nor do I keep asking him to repeat things.

Dr. Monroe recently refitted me for another pair of hearing aids, and the process was very easy after my hearing test. The clinic is conveniently located in the center of Denton, making it easily accessible. Overall, it was a FUN process!

- JoAnn R.


“Everyone was caring, explained what would happen, and allowed me to ask any questions.”

I first realized something was up with my ears for a while, but thought I was too young to have hearing aids. It wasn’t until my family and friends kept insisting that I go have my hearing checked that I finally broke and went. Everyone was caring, explained what would happen, and allowed me to ask any questions.

Hearing aids allow me to hear conversations, especially when in a large group or when sitting in the back seat of the car while someone is talking in front of me. To anyone who is concerned about their hearing and considering a visit, I would say, “Go.” You will soon realize just how much of the conversations you were missing.

- Debra J.